230205 Hobiensw Bo407909

Results of the Hobie Cat 14 Minimum Crew Weight Survey

Dear class members,

The Hobie Cat 14 minimum crew weight survey launched in September came to an end on October 19, 2023.

We now have the result based on 198 valid responses. A great turnout which has exceeded our expectations and contributes significantly to producing the best possible image on how the hot Hobie Cat 14 minimum crew weight question is seen worldwide.

The statistics in detail:
A total of 218 responses were received. After removing duplicates there are 198 valid responses whereof 99 indicate to be sailing the Hobie Cat 14.

Question 1: Do you think it will serve the future of the Hobie Cat 14 Class best to reinstate a minimum crew weight?

OVERALL (198 votes)

  • NO – 56,6% (112)
  • YES – 42,4% (84)
  • ABSTAIN – 1,0% (2)

Hobie Cat 14 sailors (99 votes)

  • NO – 61,6% (61)
  • YES – 37,4% (37)
  • ABSTAIN – 1,0% (1)

Question 2: If a minimum crew weight is reinstated should this weight, then be 68.1 kg as it originally was?

OVERALL (198 votes)

  • NO – 56,6% (112)
  • YES – 33,8% (67)
  • ABSTAIN – 9,6% (19)

Hobie Cat 14 sailors (99 votes)

  • NO – 60,6% (60)
  • YES – 31,3% (31)
  • ABSTAIN – 8,1% (8)

Or what would be your recommended minimum weight in kg?

The average was 78.13 kg but some used pounds as we had weights of 170 and 130 which would sink a Hobie Cat 14. Removing weights over 99 the average was 76.15 kg.

The message from the survey seems quite clear as can be seen. Leave the rule as it is. Many good comments have been received as well. All comments can be seen via the link below. The Rules Committee will now with outset in the result and the comments prepare a conclusion, which will be submitted to the IHCA Council for their approval.

Finally and not least a huge thank you for the dedication and engagement shown by all of you spending the time supporting your class by taking the survey. It has been very helpful and is much appreciated.

Erik Olsen
IHCA Rules Committee Chair

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