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IHCA President June 2024 Blog “Call your Dealer”

Hobie Dealers – purchasing parts and boats.

Lately, there have been lots of questions and confusion about what is available and where you should go to purchase parts and accessories. Granted, we are in a transitional time as Hobie Cat Company restarts production, but everything is coming.

The message from Hobie Cat Co. is to “call your dealer”.

  • Are sails available? Yes call your dealer
  • Are trampolines available? Yes call you dealer
  • Are shrouds available? Yes call your dealer
  • Is every imaginable colour combination available for sails or trampolines? Maybe, maybe not but call you dealer.

The dealers receive regular updates on what is in stock now vs. on back order and a simple phone call will provide the details you need.

So, you have called your dealer and you really, really want a blue trampoline but they are out of stock on blue. The dealer will be able to advise you on lead times or suggest the colours that are currently in stock. Put an order in so it is the on the books.

Many people seem confused about what they need and where to get it. Understand that most Hobie Cat dealers are not, instead they are small operations owned and operated by passionate sailors. Hobie Cat dealers are usually “subject matter experts” on all things Hobie. No this is not buy with one click but by picking up the phone and talking to a real person (gasp) you unlock that expertise to help you get what you need.

I know this sounds so complicated but really it isn’t, simply pick up the phone.

We should be fortunate that we have such a wonderful dealer network. In comparison with other classes, it is way more complicated. I am currently trying to order a set of shrouds for a dinghy. There is no dealer network, no standardisation of what a shroud is for this boat, what wire size or type is used, what end fittings are needed or what the overall length it should be. Everything has to be arranged with a rigger that builds custom rigging to exact specifications. In comparison, I can call any Hobie Cat dealer anywhere in the world and order a set of shrouds for a Hobie 16 and know I will get exactly the same thing shipped to my door that will be an exact fit from for boat.

Don’t reinvent the wheel, just call your dealer!