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Get excited about the 2024 Pitts Design and Construction WA Hobie 16 State Championships. The event will be hosted by Geographe Bay Yacht Club, in Busselton. An easy drive south to the doorstep of the beautiful South West region with crystal clear waters and ideal sailing conditions.

Racing will be held on Saturday 30 and Sunday 31 March. Teams should plan to arrive on the Friday afternoon to setup and join in for a casual on water shake down session. We would like teams to complete their registration with us in person on the Friday if possible. This its helpful for our volunteer HCAWA Committee, your fellow sailors.

Friday evening:

  • 1630 to 1730 – Register with the HCAWA team for the championship and collect your event pack and presents.
  • Welcome BBQ at GBYC, provided by the Junior Committee for a small fee (food for vego and meat eaters / beverages too). From around 5pm.
  • Socialise at Sailor’s Rest, the outdoor area and bar at GBYC with amazing view over Geographe Bay.


  • Race – be nice and have fun!
  • HCAWA AGM in the evening, please join in and be part of your local Hobie Cat racing community.
  • Championship Dinner – GBYC yummy buffet dinner, tickets provided to competitors as part of the entry and additional dinner tickets can be purchased. Served by the GBYC Galley.
  • Socialise at Sailor’s Rest and share your salty tales from the days racing. Watch the video footage from the day.


  • More excellent racing.
  • Burgers (vego and meat) for $10 at GBYC Sailor’s Rest. Fill your belly after the day of racing.
  • Casual presentation, including the much anticipated “Race Place Lucky Draw” prizes and wind up on the lawn somewhere, can’t miss it.

Regatta t-shirts are not included with the entry fee and can be purchased as an additional item. Buy the stylish event polo’s in our online shop HERE. 

Geographe Bay Yacht Club is located on the beach at the end of King Street in Busselton and there is lots of accomodation options nearby. Contact us if you need advice.

Meals and camping bookings – use the GBYC Easter event registration page.
BUT – Competitors please pay attention here, Saturday dinner tickets are included with the Hobie 16 States registration so do not book another dinner ticket for Saturday if you are a competitor please!
You can book camping and lunches for the weekend HERE with GBYC. And additional dinner tickets for your family and fan club but not Saturday dinner for competitors.

Confused now about how to register your boat for the event? then you are funny, use the entry form button below.

If you would like to remember what its all about, check out our wrap up video from the 2023 championship in Rockingham! Just open the photo gallery to check it out.


Thank you to our Race Place Lucky Draw Sponsors:


CatCovers  VaikobiPitts DC


Mar 29

March 29, 2024 8:30 am - March 31, 2024 4:00 pm

1 King Street, Busselton WA